
Amazon's drone future looks sci-fi


Drone deliveries by Amazon could one day originate from an unusual-looking starting point.

The online giant has filed a patent application for "multi-level fulfillment centers," designed to accommodate the landing and takeoff of "unmanned aerial vehicles." The application, which was recently published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Center, includes a number of sketches that illustrate exterior and interior views of differently shaped buildings. One resembles a huge beehive. Another calls to mind The Jetsons. The application notes that the centers could possibly be located in an urban setting.

Besides illustrating how employees would load drones with merchandise, the drawings also show mini UFO-like devices taking off from and landing in various pods within the buildings. (It's worth noting that products and other creations outlined in patent applications do not necessarily turn into reality.)

The warehouses will also feature multiple landing and deployment locations to accommodate the take off and landing of the UVAs. With a vision to erect the buildings in dense, highly populated areas, the building would also keep the flying devices from jeopardizing the safety of pedestrians at street level, reported The Verge.