
This delivery issue leads to cart abandonment

Dan Berthiaume
Senior Editor, Technology
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Delivery problems cause online shoppers to leave their carts.

Digital cart abandonment is a near-universal problem for retailers, with a delivery-related leading cause.

According to the 2023 Bringg Barometer: State of Last Mile Delivery survey of 500 retail and e-commerce managers, 87% of survey respondents admit to issues with digital cart abandonment, with lack of clarity about delivery options prior to checkout as the top reason (44%).

In addition, survey data suggests that many retailers aren't providing competitive enough delivery choices to satisfy their customers, with 35% of respondents citing a lack of delivery options as the reason for cart abandonment.

Meanwhile, six in 10 (61%) respondents are planning to offer self-scheduled delivery in 2023, and 56% will include subscription-based delivery. Additional survey findings include:

  • Nine in 10 (89%) respondents are struggling with their last-mile delivery operations, with the top reason being the complexity of their tech stack (37%). More than one-third of respondents struggle to manage multiple fulfillment channels through disparate technologies.
  • Lack of flexibility is affecting both cost and capacity, with 49% of respondents still lacking flexibility during peak seasons, and 37% unable to scale up or down drivers as necessary, resulting in reduced profits.
  • Close to one in three (32%) respondents claim that integration with third-party carriers and fleets is a growing challenge; causing lack of real-time delivery options which negatively affects cart abandonment as well as customer loyalty and retention.

"The retail industry evolved at an unprecedented rate in 2022, and consumers became accustomed to fast, same-day delivery," said Guy Bloch, CEO of delivery platform Bringg. "Ultimately, in 2023 the delivery experience frontier is moving towards new elevated standards, where consumers expect convenience and control, demanding flexible delivery options, transparent communications and all at an affordable price. Retailers need to focus on investing in the right technologies and leveraging relevant partners, to successfully compete in an increasingly saturated market.

Download the survey here.

Survey: Poor delivery performance drives away customers

In related findings, according to the recent biennial consumer holiday survey from Voxware, 44% of surveyed U.S. consumers say that up to 10% of their orders arrive later than promised, and another 20% report experiencing late deliveries up to 25% of the time. Two-thirds (65%) of respondents report that they will abandon shopping with a retailer altogether after two to three late deliveries. Eight in 10 (81%) say if a retailer sends an incorrect order two to three times, they will abandon shopping with that retailer altogether.