
eBay extends authentication service to luxury handbags

Dan Berthiaume
Senior Editor, Technology
Dan Berthiaume profile picture

Buyers and sellers of select high-end handbags on eBay can rest easy they are not dealing in counterfeit merchandise.

The e-commerce giant is now authenticating new and pre-owned handbags sold for more than $500 from 16 prominent luxury brands, including Saint Laurent, Gucci, Celine, and Balenciaga. eBay has already been vetting and verifying all new and pre-owned collectible sneakers for over $100 in the U.S., routing luxury watches to a third-party authenticator for assessment, and letting buyers and sellers of sports memorabilia use the managed Prova Group SmarTag solution to verify items.

All eligible handbags bought and sold in the U.S. will be vetted and verified by eBay's team of professionally trained authenticators, using detailed physical inspection and advanced technical equipment in a special facility. New and pre-owned handbags that have been vetted will be marked on the site with a badge of Authenticity Guarantee.

When a handbag purchase is made, the seller ships it directly to eBay's team of professionally-trained authenticators for a comprehensive, multi-point physical inspection, ensuring that the item and collateral materials are consistent with the listing title, description, and image. Following this assessment, the handbag is sent via expedited shipping to the buyer, at no fee to the seller or buyer. Details on the handbags authentication process include:

An eBay security tag, and unique Authenticity Guarantee card filled with detailed information and details about the item such as brand and model to guarantee its authenticity, is then attached to the bag to finalize the process. For sellers who choose to offer returns, eBay's handbag authentication program ensures the exact item initially sold is returned to the seller, via a verified returns process. Returns are shipped back directly to the authentication center, where authentication experts verify each item and its condition before returning to the seller.

Eligible brands include Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Hermès, Saint Laurent, Celine, Dior, Prada, Fendi, Goyard, Burberry, Chloe, Valentino, Givenchy, Balenciaga, and Bottega Veneta.

“Authenticity Guarantee has changed the way people buy and sell luxury items on eBay," said Charis Márquez, VP of fashion at eBay. "There's a handbag bought every 12 seconds on our marketplace, and now we're expanding authentication to deliver an additional layer of trust and confidence for these shoppers and sellers."