
Wake Up Call: 5 Crucial Customer Experience Questions for Retailers

As retailers reopen in a pandemic world, they’re finding one thing in common—the traditional customer experience is no longer cutting it. Shoppers have changed, and their expectations have altered significantly.

As retailers reopen in a pandemic world, they’re finding one thing in common—the traditional customer experience is no longer cutting it. Shoppers have changed, and their expectations have altered significantly. Recent data shows consumers expect more speed, convenience and personalization than ever before. And they’re more willing to switch to another brand if those needs aren’t met. 

As your stores reopen, you and your team will need to understand how to meet these new expectations at scale. And if you want to get ahead of your competition, you’ll need to completely reimagine your local store experience—from the standpoint of the new consumer.Join us to learn five crucial customer experience improvements your brand can make to increase market share.
We’ll cover:

  • 5 improvements to consider as you reopen
  • Key consumer behavior trends since Covid-19
  • Why conversational commerce is the future of local retail
  • Actionable tips from Sit ‘n Sleep on modernizing your customer experience

View on-demand here.
